Sunday, February 9, 2025


The battle for the body mind and soul combating Spiritual Warfare, Day after day night after night the same old war strategy,  The devil and his demons attacks me they out number me but I manage to fight back! Usen counter attacks to send their magic back at them times three may it stay stuck to them like crazy glue binding and bonding to them may it never return to me I armor myself with the armor of God I stand firm in warfare battling the spirits in Heavenly places against the unseen enemy's the rulers of this unholy world they wield the powers of mixed darkness I stand against these devil's and legions of Demons. They got me snared I've got to break these chains them strongholds of death and dishonest chain pull were they used a stronghold with hanging chains with a drill hanging off the chains they followed me like a force from the sky's they come down from above my head then chased me down like a wild animal then they waited for me to pass out cold and when I awoke the stronghold had me chained they then attacked me while they had me chained then they used the drill and drilled down from the top of my head and went all the way down the top of my skull in to my soul and then they began to mine they pulled down from the stronghold the chains and a lab with electric currents running through the shock coils with a set of metal drums behind some wired fencing they set up their base they kept attacking Me the whole time went four days then they finally pulled a fragment of my soul up to the top of two beams 
I could see the energy from where I was standing my soul it was struggling and it was chained between them two beams then they took it with them and left, I felt out of place, I felt like, I was empty were they stole my soul then they waited about a week and then they come back and chained a demon to my head and locked it to the top of my head and it's part of their chain pull game of cruelty they try to make it look like I'm playing their game when I'm not they try to force me against my freewill I fight, I do not trust them they pull their chains out of the privates and they suck it  and they eat some  stuff off of it then they pull it out of their privates and they bite down and pull the chains coming out of the privates this is what I am going through I haft to deal with the Succubus every day and night until I can chain the stronghold down and muzzle the humanoid parasite the more I destroy the more clones come at me to deal with they are sucking on me and they are in my mind it is a battlefield I haft to deal with occult mind control the devil and the legion of demons use to read my mind and invade it with demonic beings and spiritual satanist and the black magic practitioner and the satanic dream spell caster and satanic witches and dark satanic sorcerers and the Reapers who have used some type of witchcraft and a voodoo doll used by a dead satanic priest I would say his name I battled his spirit twice and he got away and he was using his magic to create shadow creatures that was attacking me. I will overcome the battle of Spiritual Warfare and I believe God will be here for me in my darkest hour and I will DEFEAT these wicked spirits.

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